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On-demand Webinar: The Future of Retail Pricing

Navigating supply chain disruption, managing surging inflation and balancing customer spending: these are some of the most important conversations happening in retail right now. That’s why we brought together three experts for our The Future of Pricing Webinar.

Michele Pelino, Senior Analyst at Forrester, Sue McMahon, Retail & Consumer Goods Industry Advisor for Microsoft and Chris Dieringer, Chief Customer Officer at Flintfox, sit down with Cath Brands to talk about how retailers can weather the storm and the role pricing plays in driving instant results and improving profitability.

Fill out the form to watch the full webinar, on demand.

World class implementation and consulting services to transform your business into a digital enterprise

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Profitability, Pricing & Supply Chain

Economists predict that 2023 will be the year of aftershocks and unpredictability from the pandemic and global security concerns - shifting consumer sentiment, rising cost of living, inflation and supply chain disruptions will continue to wreak havoc.

Profitability, pricing and supply chain has never been more top of mind for businesses.

Join us for an exclusive event hosted by Flintfox Intelligent Pricing Platform and ToolsGroup to learn how Australia’s leading pricing and supply chain technologies are bridging the gap between business uncertainties and profitability.

You’ll hear newly commissioned data, insights, and trends about the state of the economy and how it will impact your business in the year ahead from ANZ Senior Economist, Adelaide Timbrell.

John Moss, CEO of Flintfox, and Michael Haiber, Global Sales Director Alliances, ToolsGroup, will share how businesses are utilising these technologies to not only weather the storm, but increase profit, margin, efficiency, and productivity.

Register now to secure your spot at our exclusive Melbourne venue.

3:00pm-5:30pm, Wednesday 15th February, 2023
Location – Secret Garden, QT Hotel

Become a rebate master!

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Flintfox ROI fact

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Michele Pelino

Principal Analyst - Forrester

Michele will be diving into the key findings from our recent pricing Forrester research. Discover how the world of pricing is impacting your business today, as well as what’s to come in the future.

Chris Dieringer

Chief Customer Officer – Flintfox

Chris is responsible for overseeing Flintfox’s customer experience, from driving customer engagement to spearheading customer acquisition programs. Dieringer led Microsoft’s US Retail and CPG Industry practice, a $4.6B business, where he focused on leveraging current and future trends in the industry to help customers realize value within their digital transformation journey.

Adelaide Timbrell

ANZ Senior Economist

John Moss

CEO - Flintfox

Michael Haiber

Global Sales Director Alliances, ToolsGroup

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Register now to save your spot onboard our exclusive venue.

2:30pm Wednesday 15th February, 2023
Location – XYZ

12:00pm Friday 17th February, 2023
Location – XYZ

Spots are limited so please register your save the date now.

See you in Feb!

The Flintfox Team